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Energy Tokenization: Decentralized Production, Consumption and Exchange

Salle des Mariages – FLOOR 2

Access to energy and the promotion of renewable energy are United Nations Sustainable Development Goals specifically aimed at solving the dual challenge of a growing population and an “electricity divide”. One billion people are still living without electricity while access to clean energy is pivotal to achieve Climate Action, Food Production or employment.
The tokenization of energy through blockchain promises to support peer-to-peer Energy Trading, Green Energy Certificates and Smart Grid operations. It also facilitates new decentralized energy models such as individual self-consumption and local energy production. What is the state of the art in the decentralized energy field? What are the real-life projects to date? What is their current impact and what are the challenges that lay ahead?
Sebnem Rusitschka, Architect at Younergy, Computer scientist specialized in peer-to-peer networks.
Christine Hennebert, PhD, Senior Research Engineer ExpertSenior at CEA (Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission).
Jeanne Bloch, Co-founder at Decentralized-Desires, Core-organizer at Impact Blockchain Conference
Climate: From Kyoto Protocol to today’s Carbon Markets

Salle des Mariages – FLOOR 2

Carbon markets are considered as a major tool to limit climate change. They provide economic incentives to reduce, remove, sequester or avoid CO2 and GHG emissions. While many countries have their own carbon market, the diversity of measurement, reporting and verification methodologies raises questions about integrity and harmonization.
The tokenization of carbon market and carbon credits can address multiple issues of these mechanisms. What are the existing carbon tokenization projects and how do they differ from traditional ones? Can they make a difference? What needs to be done to significantly scale up solutions curving GHG emissions?
Frédéric Fournier, CEO Open Forest Protocol
Guillaume Leti, CEO Carbonable
Marcus Aurelius, Core Contributor, Data & Metrics at KlimaDAO
Alejandra Verde Medina, Carbon Solutions at ASES Ecological and Sustainable Services
Raphaël Bloch, Co-founder at The Big Whale
From Fair Trade to Tokenized Agriculture, Decentralized Funding, Insurance & Supply Chain

Salle des Mariages – FLOOR 2

Agriculture accounts for more than a quarter of the global workforce who is responsible for feeding the growing world population while adapting to rising temperatures, soil quality deterioration, scarcer freshwater and an increasing number of climatic disasters. Transitioning to sustainable agriculture and achieving food security require stronger standards, better governance and greater coordination between producers, trade infrastructures, supply chains, and consumers.
Can blockchain technologies enhance trust and transparency from producer to consumer, ensuring a fair value distribution across the supply chain? Can tokenization enable reliable access to funding, insurance, and markets for sustainable agricultural projects? How do emerging projects use decentralized tools to empower farmers and protect the conditions of living of local farming communities?
Jori Armbruster, co-founder at Ethichub
Jan Stockhausen, Chief Legal Architect at Etherisc
Mathieu Lesueur, PhD, Senior Manager Consulting, Blockchain Supply Chain, Researcher in Management Sciences (CREM CNRS Université Rennes 1)
Eduard Peris i Deprez, Founder at Impact Plus & The GeoAnalytics Center
From Impact Investment to Regenerative Finance, What Can Web 3 Do for Nature?

Salle des Mariages – FLOOR 2

- Forward talk: Human Ecosystemic Services by Carole Lipsyc, PhD, CEO & Co-Founder, INGIES, The {contributive} Initiative, Epistemologist
While not a single ESG standard is globally accepted, relevant initiatives in the Impact Blockchain ecosystem have developed interesting methodologies for issuance of Web3 nature-based assets.
Is it possible to set up common standards and criteria to measure what is usually not quantifiable such as environmental and social benefits? How does tokenization revolutionize natural capital markets?
Louise Borreani, Regenerative Finance Specialist at Curve Labs. Researcher and technical writer
Hanna Fiegenbaum Research and development for climate adaptation and conservation, Leipzig University & Ostrom/BLCK-IoT
Rene Reinsberg, Co-founder of Celo and President of the Celo Foundation
Core-organizer of the Impact Blockchain Conference
Jeanne Bloch, Co-founder at Decentralized-Desires, Core-organizer at Impact Blockchain Conference
Is Decentralized Identity the Missing Piece in Today’s Digital World?

Salle des Mariages – FLOOR 2

Today, 850 million individuals still do not have access to an official ID, and for people who do, their identity is often provided by a trusted third party, public or private, with little interoperability with other identity systems or with digital ecosystems. Giving people access to secure, verifiable and user-centric digital identities is essential to ensure equal and inclusive access to essential services, be it healthcare, education, financial services, social benefits, or participation in governance. Web3’s decentralized digital identity solutions are designed to give back to users verifiable ownership over their own data and identifiers.
How can new decentralized identity systems help us achieve sustainable development goals? What are the challenges to implement these new solutions in a trustworthy, privacy-respecting, inclusive and accessible manner? How do these new technical architectures impact our very understanding of what personal identity actually is?
Evin McMullen, Co-Founder and CEO at Disco.xyz
Perrine de Coëtlogon, French National Contact Point for European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)
Pierre Noro, Core-organizer of the Impact Blockchain Conference
Body-Mind Guild

La Pépinière – FLOOR 0



The Body Mind Guild offers movement classes that bridge the dance world with Web3, so you can improve your mood and reduce your stress!
Antonio Onio, Movement Guild Lead, Kernel Community, Dancer, Choreographer, Teacher and Event Producer
Terra Communi-AFD (French Development Agency)


Join us and contribute to a low/high tech experience-performance about Decentralized Identity
Jeanne Bloch & Lori Ann Ferreri
Kernel Safe Zone

Room 220 – FLOOR 2


La Pépinière – FLOOR 0

Explore a decentralized design system to help define, quantify and regulate biodiversity markets
Aleksandra Smilek, Creative Director & Strategist _ futurism, DeSci, web3, culture & science
Café Philo: The Gift of Trust

Room 220 – FLOOR 2

We will ground ourselves in these two pieces from opposite ends of the Kernel syllabus: Pre-reading is gently encouraged!
Andy Tudhope, Kernel Community
Institutions & Impact Web3

La Pépinière – FLOOR 0

Ivan de Lastours, Blockchain/Crypto Lead at Bpifrance
Kevin Owocki, Founder at Supermodular.xyz (ex Gitcoin)
André-Louis Rochet, Digital transformation Project Manager l Web3 referent at Innovation Makers Alliance (IMA)
Griff Green, Co-Founder at Giveth, Commons Stack & DAppNode
Saman Sarbazvatan, PhD COO & Vice Dean of École des Ponts Business School, Founding Director of Tech Center
Zakaryae Boudi, Co-founder at Fever Token
Tokenomics Studio: Value Flows

La Pépinière – FLOOR 0

- Forward talk : Hadar Rottenberg, CTO, Good Dollar, Why we need a universal currency for funding the Commons and public goods building the productive force of #ReFi
This is a creative event where the idea is to express in multiple different media what value is and how it might be created and distributed in the world by virtue of the programs we choose to exchange via and the relationships they imply.
An introduction to the ideas: https://kernel.community/en/tokens/token-studies/
About the flow aspect: https://kernel.community/en/tokens/token-studies/
Andy Tudhope, Steward, Kernel Community
Mindful NFTS

Salle des Fêtes – FLOOR 2

Take Your Inner-Self with You when You Sink in the Cold Water
Ari Karma
Mariana Carranza
Olivain Porry
Floriane Lisowski
Vincent Schmitt
Jeanne Bloch
Vivien Roussel
Art + Climate Conference

Salle des Fêtes – FLOOR 2

Closure Ceremony & Cocktail

Salle des Fêtes – FLOOR 2

Académie du Climat
2 place Baudoyer – 75004 Paris
Google Maps
Metro Station:
Hôtel de Ville (1 et 11) – Saint-Paul (1) – Pont Marie (7)
Bus Station:
Académie du Climat
Velib’ Station:
n°4015 ou n° 4103